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Lifting table :
Fields of application
Loading and unloading of pallets
Levelling of operators
Transfer from a vehicle to the ground or a platform
Arrival / Exit from machinery
Loads conveying
Elevator / Transfer of level
Fittings for the working location
Preparation of order

Room 1002, Huaihai China Tower
No. 885 People Road in Shanghai
Zip code:200010
Tel1: 021-64190499
Tel2: 021-63284528
phone: 13818353299
Websit: www.cefam-atlas.com.cn
Safety certification

The design and building of our lifting tables and platforms answer the French regulation resulting from the European Directive Machines no. 98/37,

To the European standard of lifting tables EN 1570,

To the European standard of lifting tables EN 1570,

To European standard EN280 for the lifting of people,

To the standards concerning electricity EN 60 240.1,

The emergency stops EN 418,

The hydraulics EN 982….

The approved body called CETIM decreed the certificate of conformity no. D 526 0700 1701 for the standards lifting tables EB, EBE, EBU, SL, SL2, AVL, SN and the certificate of conformity no. D 526 0700 1702 for the elevators called EUP (Elevator for Particular Use).

The working platforms forecasted to lift people to a height higher than 3 meters are subjected to an EC examination issued by a certified EC body (CETIM, LNE, APAVE...).

http://www.plate-forme-elevatrice.com - http://www.monte-charge.net - http://www.table-elevatrice.net